We are looking for vendors interested in selling their products at the Aloha Maui Music Festival. You may download the application here. While complete details are available on the application, please note the following:
Food and Drink Vendors
- We will not be accepting applications for vendors wanting to sell main dishes or drinks. We are only accepting specialty foods and drinks (shaved ice, snacks, ice cream, etc). For most food types, we will accept only one vendor, and this will be determined on a first come/first serve basis.
- For other merchandise types – crafts, clothing, etc. – we will accept multiple vendor applications, but may restrict the total depending on the applications we receive. These will also be accepted on a a first come/first serve basis.
Vendor Spaces
- We are providing 10′ x 10′ spaces for vendor set up. We will generate a location map, and selection of the spaces will be made based on the order in which applications are made. Vendors will need to provide their own tent, tables, chairs, and a 50′ electrical cord to reach our outlets. Each 10’x10′ space is $50. If you require electricity, the total cost- space and electricity – will be $75.
Setup and Breakdown
- All required setup must be completed by 9:30am the morning of the event. Vehicles will be allowed to drive onto the site starting at 8am, but must be removed from the site and parked prior to 9:30am.
- Breakdown will begin at 5, but vehicles will not be allowed to drive onto the site until 5:15d or when we deem it safe to do so.
Vendor Access
- Each vendor will be provided two entry passes. If any additional passes are required for workers, they must be purchased at $10 each.